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Celâl ("Kane / La Mort à mains nues") : « J’ai été complètement démotivé »

19 novembre 2017 par Celal Kandemiroglu
  • Hi,
    Yes its me Celal.
    Thank you for the critics and the comments.(They were in french but thanks God we have google translater.. :)..)
    In that time I worked with the agenteur which contacs directly with the publisher.Sad was,I couldnt call or reach them (publisher ) as today.Think about when I want back my originals,and got the bad news..All originals were burned in a depot or somewhere in France..Without the originals and coloured blueprints I couldnt resell them anywhere.Without first episode I had no chanse to sell them again.So I quit that page..Sad..!..
    Regards to all of you
    Celal (...)

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